We have green sea turtles for Sean!

Some exciting news: Sean’s nest adopted for his grandson Leo surprised us by revealing themselves as the endangered green sea turtles. This is the first time we saw these babies at the hatchery. Aren’t they the cutest thing ever? We got the news and photos this morning and I could not wait to share itContinue reading “We have green sea turtles for Sean!”

All the positivity you sent is working

I am feeling a lot better these past two weeks. I can finish my sentences without pause and walk without running out of breath. Doing nothing, relaxing the mind, and all your well-wishes helped a lot. And the medications, of course. Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness. You were all so kind. It wasContinue reading “All the positivity you sent is working”

In between the pages, our lives

This year’s resolution has definitely rekindled my entombed fascination with books and I can only be grateful. Every day, I hold books close to me, savor a few pages, and make new connections or rediscover old ones – very helpful for a fuzzy, heavily medicated brain of late. Of course, this is far from myContinue reading “In between the pages, our lives”

A fun Q&A to cure all ills

Along with gray skies and rain, June brought plenty of stress to our tiny house life, so much so that my respiratory problem flared up and I was chugging medications again. I swear, stress will be the death of me. This is why I put all my effort in designing a life that I love.Continue reading “A fun Q&A to cure all ills”

11 of my blog friends reimagined as plants

When you sit around with plants all day, you start to get ideas. Like how there are many ways to be a person and there are many ways to be a plant, too. I hope you don’t mind me speculating what happens to my blog friends in case they get reclassified into the wonderful KingdomContinue reading “11 of my blog friends reimagined as plants”

Oh, the things our books say about us

There was a time in my life when I devoured books. Think two, even three in a week. Amazing, right? How did I do it? Depression masking as uncontrolled respiratory disease made it easy. I could not go anywhere, except to the hospital, so you could say I had time. Of course, I amassed aContinue reading “Oh, the things our books say about us”

Through the looking glass and a little bit more

After picking up the questions posted by Mrs. Bean for the Outstanding Blogging Award, here we are receiving the same nomination from Sunny Days with Juliette. Thank you for remembering us, Juliette! She is one of the first blogs we followed because her radiant energy cannot be denied. Reading her is so refreshing. And now,Continue reading “Through the looking glass and a little bit more”

So we missed our first blog anniversary

This sums up how much we care about special days. Thanks to WP for reminding us late on 24 March that our blog has turned 1! Following are our thoughts on what the past year has been like for us and thanks to all of you who has been with us this first year. WeContinue reading “So we missed our first blog anniversary”

A new day, a new talk show episode

Whenever we do blog nomination posts, we receive comments on how reading it is like watching a talk show. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Anyway, today’s episode is from our blog friend Michelle of Boomer Eco Crusader, who nominated us for the Sunshine Blogger Award. Thank you, Michelle! It is alwaysContinue reading “A new day, a new talk show episode”