We’re coming up roses

In The Philippines, I have tried to take care of my sister’s roses. She likes them so much that she keeps buying them, big and small, regardless of obscene prices, totally ignoring the fact that they will surely die in two months or so despite our best efforts. I wish she could have seen theContinue reading “We’re coming up roses”

Fruits, vegetables, and a slice of the family farm

It has been gray and wet the past days, just like a nice summer day in London. A passing storm intensifies the monsoon and the sun has not appeared for awhile. The plants at our family farm do not seem to mind. At least, the ones that were not bowled over by the winds. TheContinue reading “Fruits, vegetables, and a slice of the family farm”

All about my hoyas

Hoyas invited themselves into my life. I was not particularly drawn to them but the generous people around me are. I often receive propagations or cuttings as presents. Plants are plants and I will grow them all. I just realized I have a good amount of them now when I noticed my fastest growing plantsContinue reading “All about my hoyas”

11 of my blog friends reimagined as plants

When you sit around with plants all day, you start to get ideas. Like how there are many ways to be a person and there are many ways to be a plant, too. I hope you don’t mind me speculating what happens to my blog friends in case they get reclassified into the wonderful KingdomContinue reading “11 of my blog friends reimagined as plants”

Touring my backyard, literally

Over the weekend, I managed to put in some work in further greening our backyard. Most of it is already teeming with plants but the wrought iron plant structure attached to the back of the tiny house has yet to receive some love. It took three tries until I finally settled on a grouping thatContinue reading “Touring my backyard, literally”

My top 5 houseplants with the prettiest leaves

In my recent plant propagation post, I was replying to The Parmigiana Whisperer when the idea for this new post came. She is right – plants are incredibly pretty and there are ones with stunning leaves. Flowers are great but everyday lovely foliage is even better. Below are my top 5 houseplants with to-die-for leaves!

My most precious plant propagations

I enjoy propagating plants because there are only a few things cooler than watching roots grow or see severed parts of plants suddenly take a life of their own. Also, it helps me relax – call it insurance, if you will, especially for some beloved or hard-to-find plants, at least where we live. It isContinue reading “My most precious plant propagations”

12 Common houseplants I am currently in love with

I have not done a plants post in a while so what better way to catch up than share some of my favorite plants? There are plants at every corner of our tiny house and I honestly love them all. However, there are some that I just go nuts over every time my eyes landContinue reading “12 Common houseplants I am currently in love with”

It is always tea time at Cafe Domingo + Tiny House

I do not have a dream dinner date but I would be thrilled to get invited to the March Hare’s Tea Party. Or perhaps I should just invite myself like Alice did? I would wear my white knee-length dress with black foliage print and sit perhaps between the Mad Hatter and the narcoleptic Dormouse.