Falling in love with Maastricht happens like this

Heavy rains led us from Brussels all the way to Maastricht. I imagined a huge rain cloud above covering the bordering countries of Belgium and The Netherlands, like a never-ending dough of rolled out cinnamon roll except it is made of rain, not butter. We thought we’d stop by on our drive back home, evenContinue reading “Falling in love with Maastricht happens like this”

Who are you in another life?

In the book The Midnight Library, the main character explores alternative versions of her life, new realities only possible had she made different choices and pursued other paths. Isn’t it an interesting concept? Who would you be if you decided on a different major, partner, hobby, or city? How different would your life be ifContinue reading “Who are you in another life?”

In between the pages, our lives

This year’s resolution has definitely rekindled my entombed fascination with books and I can only be grateful. Every day, I hold books close to me, savor a few pages, and make new connections or rediscover old ones – very helpful for a fuzzy, heavily medicated brain of late. Of course, this is far from myContinue reading “In between the pages, our lives”

How are you going with your New Year’s resolutions?

Resolutions are not really my thing but reading all of your New Year’s resolutions in the beginning of the year made me think of what I wanted to do more of this 2021: to read more and eat more fruit. Compared to my lofty aspirations the year before, which included have a property to potentiallyContinue reading “How are you going with your New Year’s resolutions?”

Oh, the things our books say about us

There was a time in my life when I devoured books. Think two, even three in a week. Amazing, right? How did I do it? Depression masking as uncontrolled respiratory disease made it easy. I could not go anywhere, except to the hospital, so you could say I had time. Of course, I amassed aContinue reading “Oh, the things our books say about us”

10 Fictional Characters We Like

What do our favorite things say about who we are? It is an interesting subject, isn’t it? Today, we thought about exploring 10 fictional characters that we like, some because of identification, others for aspirations, and just because. Really curious about your thoughts and please tell us who your favorite fictional characters are, too!

Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow

Do you agree that blog friendships are equally important as physical friendships? We definitely think so. In fact, we cannot make any distinctions between the two. You matter to us and we really appreciate our connection! This is also one reason why we enjoy blog nominations. Some bloggers are over them but it always makesContinue reading “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow”

12 Interesting Books to Read While on Quarantine

The current quarantine has got us thinking about interesting books we have read during far better times. If you are looking for recommendations, or just anything to do while at home, here are some books that you can check out to add some value to your days spent indoors. 21 Lessons for the 21st CenturyContinue reading “12 Interesting Books to Read While on Quarantine”