Crushing hard on Spring

On our way back from the Turkish store, I saw this beautiful tree filled with white blossoms, majestic and regale, that I abruptly stopped walking and started raving – loudly, it seems, because other people on the street stopped and looked up, too. They must think I am crazy because a tree blooming in springContinue reading “Crushing hard on Spring”

How not to spend the holiday season

‘Twas the most wonderful time of the year: We flew all our Christmas presents from Germany, spent Christmas Eve together with my family, had lots of nice food, and visited our elders on Christmas Day. The warmth of the holidays started to lift our spirits after crashing into The Philippines… until Markus had chills lateContinue reading “How not to spend the holiday season”

Who are you in another life?

In the book The Midnight Library, the main character explores alternative versions of her life, new realities only possible had she made different choices and pursued other paths. Isn’t it an interesting concept? Who would you be if you decided on a different major, partner, hobby, or city? How different would your life be ifContinue reading “Who are you in another life?”

I baked Brötchen everyday for a week and here’s what happened

On her Chef’s Table episode, legendary chef Nancy Silverton said, one must be obsessed with bread to be a baker. I thought that was a bit much, but what did I know? I did not bake bread then. Fast forward a few years and here I am baking Brötchen everyday, trying to learn the nuancesContinue reading “I baked Brötchen everyday for a week and here’s what happened”

In Gelnhausen, on a lovely fall day

Enchanting, colorful, and historic, medieval towns are my current obsession. I cannot resist their charm. Lucky we are surrounded! Markus and I have been to several since I arrived in Germany and it is about time I talk about one, no? This is from Gelnhausen, a quaint town near Frankfurt founded by Emperor Barbarossa inContinue reading “In Gelnhausen, on a lovely fall day”

Birthday overseas, lots of food, and a big surprise

We mainly cook our meals at home because of our diet preferences, but when I saw The Red Lion in the old town near our flat, I thought I had to experience dining there. A birthday is a good excuse, too, no? Built in 1727, this is the oldest restaurant here, standing neatly in itsContinue reading “Birthday overseas, lots of food, and a big surprise”

I am thinking about meat

Last weekend, Markus and I visited the Hessenpark, a magical open-air museum that provides a glimpse into traditional village life in Hesse. It was like a Harry Potter world, if only it was set in rural Germany. Almost 100 Fachwerkhäuser on display, plus furniture, tools, shops, crafts, and all the toys imaginable to impress andContinue reading “I am thinking about meat”

Currently, I’m obsessed with

After two months here in Germany, I can safely claim that I am more relaxed and am finally able to flow with the rhythms of life. My inner world can still improve by a lot, but it is okay, currently. Today, I would like to share a short list of some things that bring meContinue reading “Currently, I’m obsessed with”

Getting vaccinated… again

Last week, I had my first jab of Biontech, which is great, except I have been fully vaccinated with Sinovac before leaving The Philippines. But as the politics of Covid-19 vaccines goes, I am legally unvaccinated here, since Germany, like most European countries, does not recognize the China-made vaccine. Some physicians and majority of theContinue reading “Getting vaccinated… again”

12 things about my new life in Germany, so far

The day I flew to Germany, there was a storm, flooding, and two earthquakes from where I lived in The Philippines. One could say the universe tried really hard to stop me, or just recognize nature being nature in crisis, alternatively. I have been staying in Germany a month now, and slowly, I can feelContinue reading “12 things about my new life in Germany, so far”