11 of my blog friends reimagined as plants

When you sit around with plants all day, you start to get ideas. Like how there are many ways to be a person and there are many ways to be a plant, too. I hope you don’t mind me speculating what happens to my blog friends in case they get reclassified into the wonderful Kingdom Plantae. Just harmless fun for the weekend.

Juliette is a neon pothos. Bubbly and bright, it is hard not to smile just thinking about her. The title of her blog, Sunny days with Juliette, summarizes everything perfectly. She is just a ray of light!

The delicate leaves of my white caladium makes me think of Anne. It is so pure, gentle, and beautiful. I honestly stop to admire this plant every time I pass by it because I am obsessed with its soft, elegant leaves.

Janis reminds me of a scindapsus. It is my current favorite plant for its beautiful silvery, blue leaves that cascade into long and pretty vines. She is my first blog friend and will always be a favorite. I know I will hang out with her someday.

At first I thought Sean is a philodendeon hederaceum. It is a reliable grower and truly a trophy of a plant. But looking around my plants, I figured, no, Sean is a spider plant. It is also reliable and low maintenance but it has many pups hanging on it, making it a cluster of plants instead of just one plant. More than anything, I admire Sean’s leadership and community involvement. When COVID-19 hit our town, he even sent us materials to help in educating and protecting our community. Much appreciated.

Hoya cumingiana is native to The Philippines. Ed could just as well be with the way he embraces the culture of his wife. That is a lot of love right there, no doubt. Admittedly, his Tagalog is better than mine!

I imagine aglaonemas as the cool kids on the back row in class. They are just hanging out and being cool in this no-nonsense way. Mrs. Bean could be an aglaonema. It does not matter what the subject is – her writing is colorful, witty, and fun. Also, she called me a moonbeam.

I have such a high regard for golden pothos. I have them everywhere. They are easy, gorgeous, voracious growers that propagate like a charm. I can see Bubbles as a golden pothos. She takes it easy, manages her daily frustrations as well as she could, and loves her cats to pieces. Her boost to our pawikan project is well-known in our community, too. Much appreciated!

Princess has got to be a Thai caladium, very easy choice. Its stunning pink printed leaves reflect Princess’ art and writing. It is just impossible not to be mesmerized. Art seeps out of her.

Monstera deliciosas are the rock stars of the plant world and there is only one person who deserves the title – Michelle! She is literally a rock star. I was blown away the first time I watched a video of her singing. But more important, she is a champion of sustainable living and I have much respect for her for that.

Moksha is like my strawberry syngonium. It is vibrant, beautiful, and it just keeps on growing! Reading Moksha reveals a lot of her growth as a woman and as a human being. It is honestly wonderful to witness. I honestly feel like I am her older sister.

Ashley to me is a celebration of life – so connected and grounded. He has to be a flowering plant. Or a mushroom. Since my substrate has no fruiting mushroom at the moment, I choose my yellow hibiscus because it is altogether lovely and this is how I find Ashley’s poetry, photography, projects, and perspectives. So refreshing.

If you also read some of my blog friends, do you agree or disagree with my assignments? I certainly had fun writing this and thinking about you all.

Which plants do you think Markus and I would be? If nobody is offended, I would do another one like this with more blog friends and more plants. Everybody wins.

95 thoughts on “11 of my blog friends reimagined as plants

  1. Thank you Micah for such a thoughtful post regarding your blog friends and including me in my reimagined state as a spider plant. As it so happens, I really do like spider plants. Perhaps it is for those reasons you mention. I was very touched 😊


    1. So glad you like spider plants. I heard they were the original houseplants and they almost took over the world in the ’70s. They look so nice, especially with all their pups. I am on the lookout for a curly one or a reversed variegated one. It would be cool to grow.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a cute post! I really love the idea and your plants! They are so so beautiful! With the harsh Indian summer – our plants aren’t doing too well. And it broke my heart to see the leaves of a few of my favourite plants lose colour (especially our Coleus plant – though I’m not sure if it is the sun or something else).
    Thank you so much for including me – I read the post and teared up. It totally made my day and overwhelmed me too. (thank you anxiety!!) Honestly, you are one of the first friends I made on here and it felt so good to connect with somebody that understood my struggles and the weird me and gave me great advice. Thank you so much for your beautiful words. ❤ ❤


    1. Coleus need so much water. If the sun is blistering that is probably the reason why they are not very happy. Maybe try to move them a little bit and see what happens? Oh, I am glad you liked being a plant for a little bit. I am so thankful to be your blog friend and real life friend when the opportunity arises. We will just keep going despite the challenges and all that and do our best, because as you have been showing, we are capable of so much.


  3. Okay M&M, You have started something! Lol. Your plants are beautiful! I’ve always loved plants, all kinds, and had quite a few in my time, however i wasnt blessed with a green thumb when it came to taking care of them. I admit that i winged it for a while thinking all they needed was a bit of h20…lol i was so wrong and i found it very challenging trying to take care of them in my first city apartment..
    So please forgive me. i am not ashamed to ask for plant parenting help. Lol
    Back in the day, my dad had once visited me when i just started on my own at my first apartment in the city. He walked around and checked my kitchen and bedroom, then my plants that layed in the city window. He declared one of my plants to be dead and stated to me with conviction that there wasnt a chance to save it…i was shocked. He also goes on to say Rick, “If you are not capable of taking care of a plant then you are incapable of getting married?
    What? Is this true? I was just 19yrs old, i didnt quite get it but i think it has some value and connection…am i wrong?
    Help me M&M
    -Mister Rick


    1. Thank you! Maybe your father is saying marriage requires paying attention and being sensitive to the needs of the other? I love that you love plants, too, and would be so thrilled if you tried again. What sort of plants did you have before and how much light do you have in your home now? Like lots of windows or few facing which direction? And do you like watering plants or can remember to water them or not? I will be so happy to help you.


      1. Thank you M&M Perhaps that is correct. There is definitely alot of TLC that goes into a marriage and plant care. Thanks my friend. If i can recall i believe one of my plants was called a snake plant and Im sure of another which was a fern, and the common aloe vera. The others i do not recall. As timed passed ive realized how much more difficult it became to nurture and i minimized my plant family down to about 1 at a time,. Now my place has plenty of windows that i can perhaps face in any direction for lighting. i am pretty good with the responsibilty of watering. Im really looking forward to start a small plant base family and to at least start one at a time for now..


        1. So, snake plants prefer being dry. Most kill them because of overwatering or not watering them for a month. Ours get watered just once every two weeks and it lives in a bright, indirect light spot on our balcony. It can also tolerate lower light but will need even less watering. There are many varieties of snake plants – really fun!

          Snake plants are good beginner plants – just do not over water them or outright not water them for months. Ferns are hard because they need constant watering. Not ideal for beginners.

          We have a post on easy-care and beginner-friendly plants if you are looking for ideas. Can highly recommend golden pothos and the many varities of aglaonemas. You only water both when you stick half your finger on the soil and it is dry. Both can thrive in a variety of light situations, too, and are not that fussy.

          Let us know if you have a particular plant in mind and have other questions. Happy to help!

          Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a marvelous post. I left a comment using my phone, but I don’t see it here. ?? I love caladiums, so I am thrilled to be linked with your beautiful plant. Thank you for including me.


    1. Not sure what happened to the original comment but I am glad this one came through and that you are pleased with being a plant for a moment. Haha. This white caladium is really beautiful. I am floored every time I see it. It is a joy of a plant, so pretty and the leaves are soft and gentle. I wish they can make blankets from this stuff!


      1. I like the way you describe the plant in loving words. I’m glad you didn’t pick a cactus plant for me, even though I am good at retaining water and get prickly when tried. This was such a fun post.


  5. Thanks dearest Micah! You are a favorite, as well… ❤️ I know that plant! and because of your post, I’ll include that on my list… I am a noob when it comes to the scientific names so thanks for the continuous orientation 🙂 I enjoyed reading your post especially how you described both Sean and Ed… very accurate!


    1. Thank you, Janis. I hope you get your hands on a scindapsus soon. It is also sold as silver pothos or satin pothos. It is so rewarding to grow, very easy and a prolific grower. The leaves are stunning, too. I cannot get over it! Have you had plants started on the balcony already?


      1. My mom has started propagating some for me, but I haven’t placed anything new in our home, I still only have the few that we have from before… we still have all the boxes scattered around the place but I am certain that things will change very soon. I can’t wait! 😀


          1. Some popular plants here are peacock plants, Hoyas, different types of Aglonemas, Begonias, Dracenas and tons of succulents and cacti… quite limited given that we’re still a desert 😂
            It’s ok to ask girl… besides, it’s not just you who asks… a lot are excited about my emancipation haha


            1. Oh, such fun. Wonder how the plants will do in a desert? I love aglaonemas, and interestingly, I have a numbet of hoyas even if I never actively sought them. People just kept giving them to me. Haha. And yes, good luck! Always nice to look forward to something amazing.


      1. I’ve always been into reading and photography. However, I wanna try doing bulletjournals! Although I don’t think I have the patience for that 😂


    1. Helo, Kae. Welcome back. I was happy to see a blog post from you again. Do you also keep houseplants? I really enjoy plants a lot. Being surrounded by them calms me down and taking care of them is so therapeutic.


  6. Such a great idea for a post and thank you so much for including me as a neon pothos! 😊 It is a bit ironic that my pothos is so slow to grow but I love this plant so I feel very honoured! I also agree with you on the plants you associated with the other bloggers that I follow! 😊


    1. I am glad you enjoyed reading this as much as I had fun writing it. Try moving your pothos and giving it more light maybe? I do not know where it is but slow growth can either be light or watering issue. Hoping for the best!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think it is a watering issue… I’m a chronic “over-waterer”, if such word exists (I’m pretty sure it doesn’t!) so I try to be really careful about not giving my plants too much water, which probably accounts for most of my issues with plant babies!


        1. I see. If you tend to overwater your plants, you can put them in a fast-draining soil mix so the pot does not retain too much water. At the same time, you can give your plants more light so they soak up water faster. Hope this helps!

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow! What an honour! I’m overwhelmed, don’t know what to say! I’m not sure which particular plants you both would be, but Markus is tall and defines the centre of the border whilst you Micah are always in flower, bright and cheerful. 💐💐🙏


    1. I really wish I can give you plants, Ashley. I think you would enjoy them, too, and we can talk about them over tea or while you are working with some project you have. Oh, and thank you for plantifying us, much appreciated. We talked about this last night and I could not really figure out what plant Markus could be! If I was a flowering plant, maybe I would be a bougainvillea. It is bright and cheery from afar but it has thorns on the stems and it requires tons of work to keep organized. Haha!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, it’s such a garden of long plant names. I am no good with plants, but I love this list of yours. Plant are human like with limbs and hairs and the ambition to grow and thrive. LOL.


    1. Yes, crazy how complicated plant names can be, like yoga postures in Sanskrit. I am currently reading Entangled Lives and it makes me believe plants, and fungi, are so much better than humans.


  9. Thanks for including me in your plant profiles. I am honored and totally entertained with this idea of bloggers as plants. You are one clever moonbeam, my friend.


    1. Thanks! I look at plants all the time and find they could very well have similarities with all of you that I also look at or rather your blogs. It was really fun for me and not hard at all to make associations. Good thing I have enough plants for my blog friends. If this was you, maybe you will have a hard time since you have plenty more blog friends compared to us!


  10. Oh my! I love this so much! You just made my day 😂 thank you ❤ it’s funny i am just about to tag you in my next blog. Just because I finally bought a pothos. Thai caladium is next on my plant wishlist!


      1. It looked a bit sad at first (probably stress from shipping) but i’m seeing a new leaf growing now. I never knew it could be so exciting to see a baby leaf 😄 oh yay i will definitely claim my thai caladium as soon as we get our vaccines 😄


  11. Well thank you very much!!
    Also for reminding me of an old, long MIA, skit I saw on tv called “First Ladies As Dogs”… insanely ridiculous and just the memory makes me smile!


                  1. I can’t recall where you guys are (americans suck at geography)… are there any pretty native words that start with H?? I’m still looking for kitten names.


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