How to wake up better

Soft morning light, the first breeze of the day, songbirds, and busy butterflies, these are the things we enjoy about mornings. Since moving to the tiny house, Markus and I became morning people. It just seems so natural to wake up with the sun. And with so much nature – and an awesome breakfast –Continue reading “How to wake up better”

Essentialism vs Minimalism

There are many ways to live, and for us, we love to keep it simple. Micah and I try to be essentialists. This means we do not own anything that we do not need. Everything has a specific purpose. Nothing in our closets, bags or storage areas is there because “we may need it atContinue reading “Essentialism vs Minimalism”

Our evening routine for better sleep

Markus and I rise together and go to bed together. For such a small gesture, this habit does a lot to strengthen our bond. Do you practice this with your partner, too? This time I thought about sharing our evening routine for better sleep. I read that people are sleeping worse following the coronavirus crisis.Continue reading “Our evening routine for better sleep”

How to live slow and have a more meaningful life

Increasingly, I feel like a character from a Disney movie in the 1940s, living in a small wooden cabin under a green canopy, getting food from the plants outside, and doing chores in a ridiculous old-fashioned way (yes, we air-dry our clothes on a clothes line with pins), with a soundtrack of birdsong in theContinue reading “How to live slow and have a more meaningful life”

Tiny House – The Return

After one month in “enhanced community quarantine”, Micah and I finally ventured out of our cave at her parent’s place and braved the great outdoors – well, mostly just the road to our tiny house. We built this thing since December 5 (exactly) and we were never even able to stay in it yet. ItContinue reading “Tiny House – The Return”

How to not be a serial killer

I exercise every day because I eat a magnificent amount of snacks it clears my head. When I am stressed, physical exertion allows me to vent. Catharsis. Free therapy session. Drug with no side effects. When I am not stressed, well, mainly I am just not conscious about the stress and the lighter feeling IContinue reading “How to not be a serial killer”

The Ultimate Quarantine Snack

Snacking is an integral part of any half-decent stress management program. It is a pillar that props up our COVID-19 home quarantine life. But while the pleasures of the usual big bag of chips are undeniable, we thought the present time demanded more than a bomb of preservatives, fat, sodium, and sugar. Enter the ultimateContinue reading “The Ultimate Quarantine Snack”